This is me

Hey there!

I'm Mats, a passionate designer and illustrator currently based in Trondheim, Norway.

Other than hanging out with friends and family you'll usually find me either working on personal design/Illustration projects or enjoying a good video game, movie or TV-show.

1992 - Ongoing

Graphic Designer

Motion Designer



UI/UX Designer


A long detour

Although my passion for design and illustration sparked at an early age, it was quickly overshadowed by an aptitude for STEM, leading me toward engineering.

Following the encouragement of teachers and peers, I eventually moved to Trondheim to pursue a degree in cybernetic engineering.

Rediscovering Design

Engineering didn’t turn out as I’d expected. It was challenging and uninspiring, and after three long years my motivation had run dry.

Everything changed, however, when I took an elective class in web technology — where engineering meets design. This reignited my love for creativity and made me rethink my career path.

Leap of faith

My initial wish was to pursue a degree in design, but with no suitable options nearby, I set that idea aside.

Fortunately, it wasn’t long before I landed a graphic design role at Reality Adventures, an escape room company in Trondheim. There, I had the chance to design logos, marketing material, informational videos, and even physical props for the rooms.

A New Challenge

After six years at Reality Adventures, I started yearning for more challenging design work and the chance to be part of a larger design team.

So, in August 2023 I joined Hemit HF, where I designed interactive e-learning for healthcare professionals while handling various design-responsibilities as part of the communications team. Unfortunately this was only a one year contract, and when it came time to renew it they had no open design positions.

A New Opportunity

When my contract at Hemit ran out I knew it would be hard to find a job I would like as much. Then, suddenly I realized; I could create one. Since then I have been working hard on furthering the development of my own project: Chick Chirp.

Here I get to combine Illustration, UI-design, Animation, Motion Graphics, Video Editing and Web Design into a product I am very passionate about: video games. Though incredibly fun and fulfilling, it is however a very stressful endeavor, so I'm always open for job offers. If so, you can contact me here:
(Though I would advise scheduling a call over message, as I usually have my phone on "do not disturb" while working)

Favorite Artists
Favorite Video Games
Favorite TV-Shows