Hemit HF

Hemit is a state owned IT-company providing services and support for hospitals in the middle region of Norway. This i where I worked between Aug 2023 and Aug 2024.

Here I spent around 20% of my time in the communication-team with miscellaneous design tasks, and the remaining 80% in the e-learning team where I produced educational e-courses for healthcare workers.

Presented are some of the things I designed while at Hemit:

2023 - 2024

Graphic Design

Motion Design




Logo animation

Animation of Hemit's logo, used in most Hemit video productions. For this animation my goal was to visualize the themes associated with Hemit: health and technology.


I designed all visuals and interactivity for the new course about fire safety in hospital buildings, set to be used by many (maybe even most) hospitals in Norway once finished. Below I have included a prototype of the first chapter.

I made every asset and animation in Rive using only vector graphics, making it not only super sharp and (up to) 60 frames per second, but the file size of this whole sequence is only a measly 372kb! That's about the size of a small-medium image file.

(PS: The finished course will only have pointer-cursor while clickable, but the prototype has it on by default. Also, nothing in the navbar is clickable.)

Smittevern i Ambulanse

I made all illustrations for a course about infection prevention for ambulance workers. The client was very clear they didn't want anything childish (in reference to other courses we'd made), so just to be sure I decided to go for a more realistic style.

Here are a few of my favorite illustrations from the course.

Powerpoint template

In 2023 I made a new ppt-template for Hemit. This template was meant to make it easy for any employee to quickly throw together a good looking work-presentation. I was told to keep it simple and only use static slides with custom image placeholders.

(The image in the first slide is not me, but a lovely designer colleague)

Interview case

This isn't actually something I made while working at Hemit but rather a case I was appointed during the interview process. Considering I only had a handful of hours to work on it I'm quite happy with how it turned out, though it could definitely be improved a lot timing wise.

The case was: Design a campaign against snooping in health journals.